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I'm JenJacobs.

kind of like Anne with an e, but Jenn with two n's

Flipping the script on academic writing for over 2 decades

on a mission to inspire students to be unordinary, write extraordinary and reach their goals by finding their voice!

I'm Jenn. The creative thinker behind Illuminations, bookworm with a master's degree, private tutor who sticks around for the long haul, obsessive DIYer & thrifter, long-time visual artist, cat lover, and proud mama of two free-spirited boys and one mini-me. 

If you had told me as a first-year student in university I would one day create my own line of personal academic writing resources, teach 1000s of students how to become better writers, and support my family as a full-time personal tutor, I would have said you were nuts!


   the grades on my first-year essays said it all:   
   I knew nothing about writing an essay. 

With dreams of attending grad school and becoming the first one in my family to get a PhD in English Lit - the essay capital of academia! - I tried everything to boost my essay grades

I spent hours doing research & taking extensive notes

I visited the writing centre to take advantage of extra help

I met with my profs during office hours 

I scoured libraries, bookstores & Google for the best writing resources 

I studied grammar books and read writing books


...and the grad-school worthy grades I desperately wanted slipped away as I left university and decided to pursue a career in the visual arts & graphic design.

 ...and then everything changed!

In a strange twist, after leaving university and completing two years of a three year graphic design program, a light turned on!

Everything I had been trying to figure out in my undergrad started making sense - and I knew that if I returned to university those elusive grades I needed to make it into grad school were now within my reach.


— Name, Title


Fast forward to today where I wake up every morning to help university and college students, from first year to grad school, overcome self-doubt, lack of motivation and fear of failure and discover their voices. Replacing doubt and overwhelm with confidence and direction. Showing the frustrated student with big dreams that their academic goals are closer than they think. Redefining academic success in a world that leaves students feeling lost and helpless. 


A few surprising truths about my journey to becoming an academic writing instructor...

In my 3rd year of undergrad, the prof I most admired told me I wasn't cut out for the world of academia. This pushed me to work harder and, 2 years later, that same prof wrote me a letter of reference for grad school and offered to be my PhD supervisor.  

When I was 19, I was hired as the senior English tutor at an upscale tutoring centre in Toronto. Seven years later, I became Director Jacobs

As an English Lit major, a lot of people assume I have a deep love of grammar. Let me say without hesitation: I don't.

My degree in the Visual Arts has had as much of an impact on making me the writing teacher I am today, as my degree in English Literature. I wouldn't be running my own business today if I hadn't studied both literature and art.

It wouldn't be an authentic ABOUT page though, if I didn't share a little bit about what makes me unordinary. 

my coffee order

I drink one regular coffee in the morning and then black coffee throughout the rest of the day.

my hobby

I taught myself to sew after I had my first child because I wanted beautiful baby clothes but couldn't afford to buy them.

my claim to fame

I've attended the same church, every Sunday, since the month I was born. After my mom and dad, I'm the longest-attending congregant.

my family tradition

My husband & I both grew up in hockey homes. Today, we're a hockey family that travels to a different city each year to catch a Toronto Maple Leafs game. This year we're heading to Chicago!

my obsession

I have no problem pulling over while driving if I spot a piece of abandoned furniture that could be my next DIY project.

my non-negotiable

I hated playing sports and anything athletic-related in high school. Then one day, when I was 19, I decided to work out. I've worked out 5-6 days a week ever since.

my annoying thing

I can't leave the house in the morning until every bed is made and the floor in each room is clutter-free. 

my unbelievable moment

Exiting an airplane using the yellow inflatable slide after an emergency landing
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